Pride Month Highlight: Greg Lockard
Happy Pride!!!!
Welcome to our final installment of Pride Month Highlights. Einhorn’s Epic Productions is so overjoyed to have LGBTQIA members of our team who bring their whole selves to the creative process, crafting podcasts, graphic novels and other awesome content for our studio. Pride Month may be ending, but Pride is a verb that happens all year!
Read on to learn more about Greg Lockard: He’s been working with EEP for two years as an Editor and Development Manager! He helps the Einhorn’s Epic Production’s ideas sprout from a single seed into a fully realized concept, ideating concepts, onboarding teams of writers and artists, and much more!
And after you finish reading his interview, don’t forget to check out the GLAAD-nominated graphic novel Liebestrasse, which he wrote alongside the team: Will Dennis (Editor), Tim Fish (Artist), Hector Barros (Colorist) and Lucas Gattoni (Letterer).

Einhorn’s Epic Productions: How do you identify as part of the LGBTQIA community?
Greg Lockard: I identify as gay or queer.
EEP: What does Pride Month mean to you?
GL: It’s an inclusive celebration of all the diversity that the fluidity of our genders and sexualities allow! A moment to reflect on the accomplishments in the past on behalf of our equal rights and safety. As well as a rally of unity to continue the work to ensure everyone has equality around the world regardless of gender or sexuality.
“[Pride Month is] … a moment to reflect on the accomplishments in the past on behalf of our equal rights and safety.”
EEP: Who are some LGBTQIA public figures that you look up to?
GL: Alexander Chee, Chelsea E. Manning, Ian McKellen, and Miss Major Griffin-Gracy.

EEP: What’s one random topic that no one expects you to be knowledgeable on, but you could talk about for an hour?
GL: Parrots (and various tropical bird species)!
EEP: Are there any talented folks you know that you would like to shout out?
GL: Tate Brombal is an exciting young gay writer whose BARBALIEN: RED PLANET mini-series (with Jeff Lemire, Gabriel Hernandez Walta, Jordie Bellaire, and Aditya Bidikar) is up for multiple Eisner awards this summer. The trade paperback is available now from Dark Horse Comics.
EEP: What’s your latest project?
GL: An unannounced creator-owned graphic novel from Comixology Originals with a fabulous queer-identified artist/co-creator that I am not allowed to announce yet.
EEP: How do you stay creatively motivated in these unusual times?
GL: Same as always — only the distractions are larger and on a global scale — no one is going to make time for you to create but YOU. Try your best to focus and be kind to yourself mentally and physically.
“No one is going to make time for you to create but YOU.”
EEP: What advice do you wish you had received when you were younger?
GL: Don’t be harder on yourself than this dumb cruel world will be! All the hatred that LGBTQIA people internalize daily ends up doing much more damage than all the bigots and idiots could ever imagine or accomplish on their own. Try to stay optimistic and positive against it all and be kind to yourself.
“Try to stay optimistic and positive against it all and be kind to yourself.”