See You In Your Nightmares Is Topping The Charts!
Hey insomniacs – As we enter into the spooky season, the colder weather brings a chill to the air. Currently See You In Your Nightmares, EEP’s latest horror podcast, is climbing the charts! Harper Hart is taking fans on a journey into Lutwidge Wellness center, as she tries to unravel the mystery behind her sister’s Callie death.
Only halfway through the season, and Nightmares is at top of the charts. See You In your Nightmares hit #1 on Science Fiction in Apple’s Podcasts – and held that position for three weeks!

But the nightmare didn’t stop there! See You in Your Nightmares climbed to #5 on Fiction Apple’s Podcast section. Don’t miss out on the thrilling and horrifying adventure of Harper and her friends!

If you haven’t caught up on the new horror, make sure to bookmark our website, and follow us on social media @harpernightmare. Listen to EEP’s new horror podcast Apple Podcasts or iHeartRadio.