EEP Hits 1 Million Podcast Downloads!
Einhorn’s Epic Productions launched its first scripted podcast, the teen detective series
Lethal Lit, in 2018, and it has been an incredible journey of new YA-targeted series
launches, tie-in novels, and expanding reach to new fans ever since. At the end of
2021, EEP’s collection of podcasts surpassed 1 million downloads! It’s an exciting
milestone that could not have been reached without the support of our large, dedicated
fanbase of podcast listeners.
EEP’s ever-growing library of groundbreaking audio dramas includes Lethal Lit, the
political thriller Daughters of DC, and the psychological horror series See You in Your
Nightmares, all created by a diverse team of writers, directors, producers, editors, and
actors. The team at EEP thanks you for listening in and allowing us to bring these new
voices and untold stories to life. There is a lot more to come, with many new adventures
and new plot twists ahead!
We’re also thrilled to announce that EEP is now an Apple Podcasts Network! Find all of
our podcast content here , where full-cast audio fiction comes alive, with original music and
immersive 3D sound effects. Whether you like chilling mysteries, horror serials, political

We’re also thrilled to announce that EEP is now an Apple Podcasts Network! Find all of
our podcast content here , where full-cast audio fiction comes alive, with original music and
immersive 3D sound effects. Whether you like chilling mysteries, horror serials, political
thrillers, or sci-fi odysseys, your next adventure is just a click away.